Experience Counts - Benjamin Paulsen

Experience And Proven Track Record Matters – Vote Benjamin & Noelle for EDH CSD

A message from EDH CSD Candidates Benjamin Paulsen & Noelle Mattock

You may have seen the recent articles in the Village Life regarding the CSD candidates, in it Ben states:

“this role is not something you can Google, ask Siri or learn from a book. You need to put the time in and really experience the unique items and topics [see firsthand] how they all work to manage efficiently and effectively.”

As CSD Directors there are building blocks with relationships, community partners, current and forecasted projects, budgeting, internal operations, peers, staff, meeting structure and more. We can say without a doubt that when you have a very accomplished, financially sound, cohesive and experienced board, anything other than the incumbent candidates is a huge step backwards for the board, district and overall community.

As elected officials our job is to seek community input, listen to concerns and make decisions that are in the best interest of the entire community, and as voters this your chance to decide if we are doing a good job in representing your interests.  We believe the right choice this election is to vote for experience with a proven track record; vote for the incumbents, Benjamin Paulsen and Noelle Mattock.

Your community will thank you.

Vote Ben and Noelle EDH CSD